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a quarter怎么读(quarter怎么读)

2023-07-21 | 人围观

大家好,小六来为大家解答以上的问题。a quarter怎么读,quarter怎么读这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、quarter英 [ˈkwɔːtə(r)]   美 [ˈkwɔːrtər]  n.  四分之一; 季度; 一刻钟; 25分硬币; 地区; 群体; 营房; 半圆的月相; 一节; 夸特; 慈悲; 住处;v.  把…分成四等份; 为…提供临时住所双语例句1. This little ball of gold weighs a quarter of an ounce.  这个小金球重0.25盎司。

2、2. He recovered from a 4-2 deficit to reach the quarter-finals.  他在2比4落后的情况下实现逆转闯进1/4决赛。

3、3. The sides must battle again for a quarter-final place on December 16.  双方将在12月16日再次交锋以争夺进入四分之一决赛的席位。

4、4. His life was saved by a quarter-inch-thick bullet-proof steel screen.  多亏一块1/4英寸厚的防弹钢板,他才捡了条命。

5、5. He closed his door and started the quarter-mile walk down the hill.  他关上门,踏上了1/4英里长的下山路.6. Within quarter of an hour the coldness of the night had gone.  不到一刻钟,夜晚的寒气就一扫而光。

6、7. A quarter of the residents are over 55 years old.  1/4的居民年龄在55岁以上.8. More than a quarter of seven year-olds cannot add up properly.  7岁的孩子中1/4以上都不会正确地做加法运算。

7、9. Nobody else turned up till a quarter past ten.  直到10点一刻,其他人才露面。

8、10. I dropped a quarter into the slot of the pay phone.  我向付费电话的投币孔里投了一枚25分硬币。
